About Us
What is TEAMS?
TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science) is an annual science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) competition that challenges middle school and high school student teams to work collaboratively to solve real-world engineering challenges, applying their math and science knowledge in practical, creative ways.
After participating in TEAMS—students increase their knowledge of engineering; feel more confident about participating in STEM activities; and increase their ability to work with others to solve complex problems.
The 2021 TEAMS competition takes place between February 27th and March 7th. Teams of two to four students compete virtually on competition day for state awards. Top-ranking state teams are invited to compete for Best in Nation.
This one-day, three-part competition includes:
- Design/Build—Teams design and build a solution to an engineering challenge.
- Multiple Choice—Teams use math and science skills to solve real-world engineering challenges.
- Essay—Teams research and write an in-depth essay submitted electronically prior to their competition day.

Learn more about TEAMS in competition FAQs