This is essentially a 3 hour lecture with a 5-10 minute break in the middle. It will include everything in my Small Notebook as far as Concepts, formulas, and ideas go. These are things which will allow you to have a faster response to a problem's presentation. It is geared towards those either close to AIME qualifying(within a few questions) or AIME qualified already. There are no basic concepts but only semi-advanced methods and thought processes. Each year more than a few of these will appear on the test but it cannot be certain which ones. I typically find use of about 5-10 of them on the tests to generate significant time savings in the solve process. The Price of the course is reduced by 1/3 for students who have taken classes or tutoring with me in the last year.
Held this year 2023: Sunday October 29th, and Sunday November 5th.